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Stray Cat Rock: Sex Hunter

1970,日活推出全新的粉紅暴力電影《野良貓》系列,為動作電影揭開全新的一章。長谷部安春執導的第三部《性感獵人》發生在美軍基地,以真子為首的不良少女終日無所事事,而另一方則有男爵率領的不良少年團。某日,混血兒數馬來到鎮上找尋失散多年的妹妹,對混血兒恨之入骨的男爵於是下令獵殺混血兒,數馬VS男爵之戰如箭在弦一觸即發。野良貓系列女主角梶芽衣子繼續以時尚帥氣的造型登場,演活冷艷狠辣的不良少女首領。   In the STRAY CAT ROCK series' third installment, the all-girl Alleycats gang - led by Mako (the always cool Maiko Kaji) - takes on the all-male Eagles gang on the streets of Tachikawa, a Tokyo suburb near a U.S. miltary base. When an Alleycat member turns down the romantic advence of an Eagle member for her mixed-race boyfriend, the Eagles decide to get rid of the town's mixed-race population. The STRAY CAT ROCK series, released just before the popularity of Nikkatsu's Roman Porno films, may be sensational, explotiative and cheaply made, but they still managed to explore relevant social issues most commercial films wouldn't touch today.
日本 Japan / 1970 / 93min / 彩色Colour
日語對白,英文字幕In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 長谷部安春Yasuharu Hasebe
主演 Cast: 梶芽衣子Meiko Kaji, 安岡力也Rikiya Yasuoka, 藤竜也Tatsuya Fuji
Official Selection, New York Film Festival 2011
4/11 | 9:50pm | IFC
12/11 | 9:50pm | bc