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園子溫最新力作《庸才》將《去吧!稻中乒團》古谷實的同名漫畫搬上銀幕!由於在開拍前發生311日本地震,園子溫特別改寫劇本,以地震災區為舞台,平凡的15歲少年住田和同級生茶沢歷經劇變後找到生存的意義,即使是青春殘酷物語,只要面對困難永不放棄,人生還是充滿希望!園子溫在災難後放下殘忍扭曲,以勵志積極為同胞打氣。本作入圍2011年威尼斯影展的主競賽單元,男女主角染谷將太和二階堂富美雙雙贏得最佳新人獎,成為首奪此殊榮的日本電影。   Teen Sumida (Shota Sometani) just wants a normal life, but that seems too much to ask from his violent father and negligent mother. Sick of the abuse and abandonment, he becomes obsessed with getting back at those around him. Based on Minoru Furuya's manga, Sion Sono's latest wildly bleak, coming-of-age tale is as uncomfortably divisive and viscerally compelling as his previous works. Sono adds an extra jolt of dark realism by setting the film against the backdrop of post-earthquake Japan, integrating images of the tsunami aftermath into its rainy, bizarre world of jarring brutality and malaise.
日本 Japan / 2011 / 129min / 彩色Colour
日語對白,英文字幕In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 園子溫Sion Sono
主演 Cast:  神樂板惠Megumi Kagurazaka, 點點 Denden, 黑澤明日香 Asuka Kurosawa
Marcello Mastroianni Award  for Best Young Actor And Actress , Venice International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2011
21/10 | 7:20pm | IFC
23/10 |12:05pm | IFC
25/10 | 9:50pm | IFC