1966年由忠武路巨匠李滿熙執導,散佚近半世紀的文藝愛情片《晚秋》被譽為韓國影史的絕頂佳作,第四度翻拍落入《幽異戀人》金泰勇導演之手。片中避走風頭的神秘男子與假釋中的女犯人由人氣飆升的兵哥玄彬和華人女星湯唯演繹,這個華韓星配加上改為美國西雅圖拍攝,證明金導演大膽改編的決心。柏林首映,巡迴路演至多倫多、釜山,在北半球走了半個圈終於來港。《晚秋》依舊保留了滄桑中見淒美的氣氛,男女主角孤寂、悲愁的演出仍然動人。改編難求全合意,不如重新演繹,這次中韓交流也為此經典新編的文藝片再作不一樣的注腳。 |
FAMILY TIES director Kim Tae-yong transplants Lee Man-hee's sixties classic LATE AUTUMN to Seattle for an English-language remake starring two of Asia's biggest names, Tang Wei (LUST, CAUTION) and Hyun Bin (COME RAIN, COME SHINE). Inmate Anna is granted three-day parole to attend her mother's funeral. On the bus to Seattle, she meets a caddish man on the run, Hoon. More similar than they realize, the two bond as they tour the city, knowing that their time together is short-lived. What's left unsaid is as important as what is said in this evocative story of fleeting passion and solace. |
韓國 South Korean / 2010 / 113min / 彩色Colour
英語、國語、韓語對白,英文字幕In English, Mandarin, Korean with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 金泰勇Kim Tae-yong
主演 Cast: 湯唯Tang Wei, 玄彬Hyun bin
Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2010
Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2010
Official Selection, Berlin International Film Festival 2011 |
30/10 | 5:45pm | bc |
2/11 | 7:40pm | IFC |