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入圍第64屆康城影展競賽單元,河瀨直美的最新作品講述染色家加夜子周旋在男友和情人之間,原本相安無事的生活因一事而出現變化。靈感來自日本古詩集《萬葉集》,兩男爭奪一女的故事有如詩歌一樣,一代傳一代的流傳下來。《朱花之月》延續河瀨的一貫主題,過去和現在,人類和大自然,還有再次歌頌家鄉古都奈良的大自然之美,讓你感受她的美麗和溫柔。   Japanese auteur Naomi Kawase returned to the Cannes Film Festival for the fourth time with HANEZU, a quiet meditation about man and nature's roles in the preservation of human culture. Shot in Kawase's hometown of Nara, HANEZU explores its grand themes in the context of a romantic triangle between dye-maker Kayo (Hako Oshima), her literary editor partner Tetsuo (Tetsuya Akikawa) and her wood carver lover Takumi (Tota Komizu). Kayo strikes a careful balance between her two relationships until she reveals to Takumi one day that she's pregnant - a revelation that sends the three towards tragedy.
日本 Japan / 2011 / 91min /彩色Colour
日語對白,英文字幕In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 河瀨直美Naomi Kawase
主演 Cast: 小水藤太 Tôta Komizu, 大島葉子Hako Oshima, 西川紀夫Norio Nishikawa 
Official Competition, Cannes Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Sitges Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Pusan international Film Festival 2011
23/10 | 5:55pm | the one
25/10 | 8:00pm | IFC