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妻夫木聰由惡人變身成為憧憬當演員的青年砧涼介,明星夢還未實現反倒欠債累累,為了還債他找到一份日薪五萬的搬運公司打工。第一份工作便是要搬運在幫派仇殺中被殺的黑道大哥的屍體,沒想到因此成為中國黑幫殺手的目標。惡搞系導演石井克人的最新作品,將真鍋昌平的同名漫畫搬上銀幕,並有永瀨正敏、松雪泰子、安藤正信和滿島光等好戲之人大鬥演技。   Failed actor Kinuta (Satoshi Tsumabuki, VILLAIN) is forced to repay his debt to the yakuza by helping shady characters transport sensitive packages at night. When his latest package turns out to be the body of a murdered yakuza boss, Kinuta becomes the target of a psychotic henchman looking for vengeance and the tattooed super-assassin who killed the yakuza boss. After his low-key 2008 remake of YAMA NO ANATA, director Katsuhito Ishii (A TASTE OF TEA) returns to the brand of filmmaking that established his reputation with an outrageously over-the-top thrill ride based on the manga by Shohei Manabe.
日本 Japan / 2011 / 115min / 彩色Colour
日語對白,英文字幕In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 石井克人Katsuhito Ishii
主演 Cast: 妻夫木聰Satoshi Tsumabuki, 永瀨正敏Masatoshi Nagase, 松雪泰子Yasuko Matsuyuki, 安藤政信Masanobu Ando
Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival 2011
26/10 | 7:30pm | IFC
29/10 | 9:50pm | The One
1/11 | 9:50pm | The One