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Tokyo Koen

日本名導青山真治繼《悲傷假期》後睽違四年的最新長編電影,並奪得今年瑞士洛迦諾影展的最高榮譽金豹獎評審特別獎。改編自小路幸的原作小說,立志成為攝影師的大學生光司,某日如常在公園練習拍照時,被一男子委託跟蹤拍攝一名婦人。光司漸漸覺得這女子和記憶中的某人相似,加上青梅竹馬美憂和沒有血緣關係的姐姐美咲,周旋在三個女人之中的光司開始動搖。   After serious, powerful arthouse dramas like EUREKA and SAD VACATION, writer-director Shinji Aoyama returns after a four-year hiatus with TOKYO KOEN, one of the lightest, most playful films in the auteur's career. Based on a novel by Yukiya Shoji, TOKYO KOEN follows aspiring photographer Koji (Haruma Miura, CROWS ZERO II) and his relationships with the three women in his life - his roommate's ex-girlfriend (Nana Eikura, APRIL BRIDE), his stepsister (Manami Konishi, SWEET RAIN), and a woman that he's been hired to spy on by her jealous dentist husband.
日本Japan / 2011 / 119min / 彩色Colour
日語對白,英文字幕In Japanese with English subtitles
導演Dir: 青山真治Shinji Aoyama
主演Cast: 三浦春馬Haruma Miura, 井川遙Haruka Igawa, 小西真奈美Manami Konishi, 榮倉奈奈Nana Eikura
Golden Leopard Special Jury Prize, Locarno International Film Festival 2011
22/10 | 7:45pm | IFC
24/10 | 7:35pm | The One