今屆HKAFF的觀眾可以嘆好戲之餘,更可以攜票尾享有HKAFF與多間位於The ONE商店的聯營優惠!
HKAFF's audience can enjoy various discounts offer at the below stores at The ONE by presenting the HKAFF tickets!
有效日期Applicable period: Oct 18 – Nov 8, 2011
Logistics: Audience by presenting any of HKAFF2011 film ticket stub during the whole festival period can enjoy the below privileges at the respective stores. Each ticket can be used once only at the same store with the stamp chopped by the store on the one ticket stub. |
11/F, Luk Kowk Centre. 72 Gloucester Rd, Wan Chai |
1) 由即日起出示香港亞洲電影節2011之票尾,可以優惠價港幣$1,120/$1,140購買香港至台北來回經濟艙機票乙張。From now on, you can purchase one return ticket from HKG to TPE with special price at HKD$1,120/$1,140 by presenting the ticket stub of HKAFF2011.
2) 致電長榮航空香港訂位部(852)2810-9251訂位,並說明是HKAFF電影的換購活動之訂位。Reserve ticket at EVA AIR at (852) 2810-9251, specified it is the "HKAFF Air Ticket Special Offer" Reserve ticket at EVA AIR at (852) 2810-9251, specified it is the "HKAFF Air Ticket Special Offer"
3) 機票適用出發日期及航班:由10月18日起至12月19日。Ticket available period: 18Oct to 19Dec, 2011.
詳情請瀏覽長榮航空網站超值優惠內的【港澳大陸】區域之【好戲連場專頁】。Please go to EVA Airway's website to look for "Hong Kong & Macau" region under "Promotion "page. |