推動政改失敗後,改革派旗手康有為遭慈禧太后下令追緝,落荒逃到國外,終於在瑞典斯德哥爾摩買下一座外島暫住,流亡期間卻仍心繫家國,冀望一天能回歸故土,建立他的中國大同社會。事隔一個世紀,今天旅美導演陳耀成(《情色地圖》)以這段鮮少受注意的清末歷史遺章為題,拍成一部混合紀錄與劇情的另類傳記片,由萬能老倌廖啟智出演這位壯志未酬的爭議人物,《浮世戀曲》金馬影后陳令智演他的女兒同璧。或許是緣份吧,同樣已移居瑞典小島的六十年代女星江青更特別為本片復出,擔任旁白。 |
Wanted dead by Empress Dowager Cixi, radical political reformer Kang Youwei escaped from China and ended up buying an isle outside of Stockholm where he took temporary residence, still dreaming of returning home one day to build his Chinese Utopia. Today, New York-based director Evans Chan (THE MAP OF SEX AND LOVE) recounts this lesser-known chapter in late-Qing history in his docudrama, with Liu Kai-chi playing the controversial figure in exile, and Lindzay Chan his daughter, Kang Tongbi. The director has pulled a major coup luring veteran actress-dancer Chiang Ching out of retirement to narrate the film, her first in 40 years. |
香港 Hong Kong / 2011 / 117min /彩色Colour
粵語對白,英文字幕 In English, Cantonese, French with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 陳耀成Evans Chan
主演 Cast: 廖啟智Liu Kai-chi, 陳令智Lindzay Chan
22/10 | 5:30pm | IFC |
24/10 | 7:20pm | IFC |