綽號神槍手的報館攝記老鬼,善長捕捉「決定性瞬間」,與他的至愛徠卡相機合作無間,拍下無數的經典新聞照片。但身經百戰的老鬼,卻因為一張照片而消聲匿跡,扭轉人生。當你身在案發現埸,你會選擇專業操守,還是道德良知?「鮮浪潮」本地薑黃偉傑借老鬼的真人真事,讓觀眾置身兩難困局,反思現在報章潛在的暴力問題。生的毫無私隱、死的沒有尊嚴,看的大叫過癮!哀哉。 |
When news happens, a photojournalist's only job is to capture the truth with a camera. But what happens when their devotion to the job goes against their conscience? Based on the real-life experiences of late photojournalist Lam Kai-cheong, THE DECISIVE MOMENT follows a young newspaper photographer and his new partner, a veteran photojournalist still traumatized by what he has seen in the past. Winner of the Best Cinematography award at the 2010 Fresh Wave Film Festival. |
21/10 | 8:10pm | The One |
25/10 | 10:00pm | The One |