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Macau Love Stories

2008年起,澳門電影工作者為保存急速發展所產生的城市變遷映像,發起「堂口故事」的電影保育運動。三年後,第二部曲因愛為名,黃婷婷、Fernando Eloy、黎若嵐、歐陽永鋒、杜健康、鄭君熾六位土生土長的新人類異軍群起,與廖慶松、清水宏一、關本良和葉紹麒等不同的國際級影人穿插在澳門街頭,記錄下來這個城市的人和事,拍下關於愛情的六部短片。   Comprised of six films from six young directors, MACAU LOVE STORIES spins small stories on the theme of "Love in the City." Common objects, from a library book to an old sofa to a mysterious cake, sow seeds of love in unlinked individuals. A boy and an alien girl meet, and a middle-aged woman discovers love for the very first time. Featuring a special appearance by Macau-born rock duo Soler, MACAU LOVE STORIES presents snapshots of life set in one of Asia's most unique cities. Produced in part by The Cut Association, a Macau art institute dedicated to promoting local filmmakers.
澳門 Macau / 2011 / 90min /彩色Colour
粵語對白,英文字幕In Cantonese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 鄭君熾Jordan Cheng, 義來Fernando Eloy, 歐陽永鋒Mike Ao Ieong, 杜健康Tou Kin-hong, 黎若嵐Elisabela Larrea, 黃婷婷Wong Teng-teng
主演 Cast: Soler, 小肥Terence Tsui, 朱蕾安Julianne, 張栢菱Cheong Pak-leng
29/10 | 7:50pm | The One
31/10 | 9:50pm | The One