父親帶同女兒從馬德里出發往阿姆達巴德古城,欣賞一年一度的風箏盛事,在藍天白雲的襯托下色彩斑斕的風箏,令他不其然憶起一段不堪回首的童年往事;父母的婚姻沒有給已長得大的女兒帶來啟示,她追著風箏,追趕著愛情,反讓她走向了另一個極端。印度導演Prashant Bhargava繼得獎短片《Sangam》小試牛刀,故事中兩代勇敢面對年代的夢想和贖罪,流露著對現實的感性觸覺,萬隻風箏漫天飛舞,構成一幅幅會動的圖畫,令畫面與故事配合得水乳交融,也讓柏林影展的評審嘆為觀止。 |
Every year, India's largest kite festival is held in the old city of Ahmedabad, people from all walks peering skyward at countless kites as they soar and swirl, dueling beautifully and unpredictably. Prashant Bhargava's debut feature THE KITE takes the audience to Ahmedabad to witness the sight themselves, while in the streets below a family confronts their fractured past and fragile dreams – human kites performing their own unpredictable and passionate dance. Supported by naturalistic performances from a cast of actors and non-actors, Bhargava conveys life's excitement and exultation with this kinetic portrait of India new and old. |
印度、美國India & USA / 2011 / 93min / 彩色Colour
印度語、英語對白,英文字幕In Hindi, English with English subtitles
導演Dir: Prashant Bhargava
主演Cast: Seema Biswas, Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Sugandha Garg
Official Section - Forum, Berlin International Film Festival 2010
Official Selection, Tribecca Film Festival 2011 |
22/10 | 2:00pm | IFC |
23/10 | 6:00pm | bc |