Tae Su 仗義幫朋友擔保,點知負債惹來一身蟻,辛苦經營的存蓄和面子一鋪清袋,開口借錢友人猶如鬼見仇。為怕大耳窿找上門,出走釜山卻飛來艷遇,與當地美少女 Se Ra 打得火熱。避過風頭火勢後,Tae Su 終於決定回家,但在離開之前,還有手尾要跟。八十後女導演 Moon Si Hyun曾是金基德助導,首次執導首次執導筒的作品即現身富川,拍出現世代青年人的六神無主,從金錢至性愛甚至死亡之間讓觀眾認清做人的罪與罰。在刻意美化的鏡頭下,當一切變得有你冇理,你還相信愛情嗎﹖ |
Kim Ki-duk's former assistant director Moon Si-hyun explores the dynamics of a broken, middle-class family in this dark, hyper-realistic drama. The influence of the maverick director is clear in Moon's debut feature, which expounds on the sins and sacrifices of the father figure in unexpected ways. Businessman Tae-su goes bankrupt over night because he signed as a guarantor for a friend's debt. To shield his family from creditors, he and his wife decide to get divorced on paper. Tae-su ends up alone in a cheap boarding house where he becomes involved with a high school girl. |
韓國 South Korea / 2011 / min / 彩色Colour
韓語對白,英文字幕In Korean with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Moon Si-hyun
主演 Cast: Kim Jong-soo, Kim Yeong-hun
Official Selection, Puchon International Film Festival 2011 |
27/10 | 8:00pm | IFC |
2/11 | 7:40pm | ONE |