賣淫在泰國、孟加拉、墨西哥,澳洲紀錄片導演米歇爾.葛洛沃克探討的不是老掉大牙逼良為娼的悲劇,並非走訪花街柳巷的風月事,而是從三地迴異的兩性、婚姻和宗教觀念促成至今天的娼妓文化和存在價值。原始本性,有需更有求,她們出賣肉體,生活改善不了,被歧視被剝奪尊嚴,剩下只是從同是天涯淪落人身上找到一絲絲安慰。從望向「金魚缸」找泰式風情,到孟加拉紅燈區了解男子尋花問柳只因跟髮妻滿足不到的性慾,至墨西哥妓女不怕死只怕沒活幹,這位非我族類的影人不戴有色的眼鏡,鏡頭下尊重來自不同國度的每一位性工作者和她們的角色。 |
In Thailand, prostitutes patiently wait on display in a glass box for clients to select them. A madam in Bangladesh haggles over the price of a very young girl. In Mexico, the whores are fenced in and pray to a deity called Lady Death. Stylishly yet with unflinching clarity, WHORES' GLORY captures real sex workers in three disparate regions, giving astounding access to these women’s cultures, homes and jobs as they live, survive and work, work, work. Filmmaker Michael Glawogger pulls no punches with this audacious and brutally honest look at the world’s oldest profession. |
奧地利、德國Austria & Germany / 2011 / 119min / 彩色Colour
泰語、孟加拉語、西班牙語In Thai, Bangla, Spanish with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 米歇爾.葛洛沃克Michael Glawogger
Official Selection, Horizon, Venice Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, BFI London Film Festival 2011 |
26/10 | 9:50pm | The One |
29/10 | 2:35pm | The One |