2004年來台灣的邊境流浪者謝旺霖千里走單騎,不選本土環島遊,嚮往中國滇藏邊界的綺麗風光;從雲南麗江古城出發,捱飢抵冷,路行二千公里終到達西藏拉薩,只花六千新台幣,買到的卻是對生命和大自然的深刻體會。同年,《梅蘭芳》中國製片杜家毅也去過西藏,看過謝旺霖的浪遊著作身同感受,與《風聲》編劇張家魯和入圍金馬最佳攝影的杜傑從心出發,三人沿著文字深入滇藏盡歷艱險,由《有一天》文藝小生張書豪演繹獨自騎單車橫越西藏的熱血青年。《轉山》從文字堅持拍成電影,彷彿冥冥之中早有安排。 |
Director Chen Kuo-fu (THE MESSAGE) produces the screen adaptation of the popular novel about the amazing true story of a man who takes a 2000-mile journey from Yunnan to Tibet on his bicycle to fulfill his late brother's wishes. Along the way, he battles extreme weather, wild animals and even a bad case of food poisoning. To recreate this extraordinary journey, first-time director Du Jiayi and his crew shot the film on location in Tibet and battled the same extreme conditions the adventurer encountered along the way. This is truly a story about the triumph of the human spirit. |
中國 China / 2011 / 89min / 彩色Colour
國語對白,英文字幕In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 杜家毅Du Jiayi
主演 Cast: 張書豪Zhang Shuhao, 李桃Li Tao, 李曉川Li Xiaochuan
Official Competition, Tokyo International Film Festival 2011 |
6/11 | 7:45pm | IFC |
7/11 | 9:50pm | The One |