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Fable of the Fish

廣東人有句諺語「生舊叉燒好過生你」,如果子女變成條活星斑又如何﹖一對菲國夫婦搬到北部城市馬拉邦窮困地區Catmon謀生,妻子的心願是生兒育女,在冰廠當勞動工人的丈夫因病喪失工作能力,只好跟妻子開展拾荒的生活。本來十月懷胎期盼著下一代,妻子誕下的竟然是一條魚!Miguel不能接受愛兒,Lina唯有以愛和希望擁抱新生命。新世代導演Adolfo Alix Jr.(《風中勁草》,第六屆)的不發奇想,這條魚唯恐天下不亂,但當貧民在漫無目的的生命中找尋活著的意義,這可能是絕望的一群對未來和菲國的想像。   A risky and also rewarding new work, FABLE OF THE FISH comes from acclaimed Filipino wunderkind Adolfo Alix Jr., director or co-director of over 10 features since 2006, including the acclaimed ADELA (6th HKAFF). Impoverished, childless and living in a garbage dump, Miguel (Bembol Roco) and Lina (Cherry Pie Picache) become instant celebrities when Lina miraculously becomes pregnant. But Lina gives birth to a fish, which increases her celebrity but leaves Miguel humiliated and the couple at odds. What follows is an illuminating examination of how this unusual family copes and compromises in the face of a modern-day miracle.
菲律賓Philippines / 2011 / 85min / 彩色Colour
菲律賓語對白,英文字幕In Filipino with English subtitles
導演Dir: Adolfo Borinaga Alix Jr.
主演Cast: Cherry Pie Picache, Bembol Roco,
Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2011
22/10 | 3:50pm | IFC
30/10 / 9.45pm / The One