周夢蝶,從寫作中不斷修行,背之年仍追求莊周對自由無限嚮往。陳傳興以佛經典故「化城再來人」,再盛邀風格鮮明的文學家周夢蝶同遊昔日武昌街的書攤風光,穿梭他日常生活追溯他看天地人的喜怒哀樂,以及他憂思病老悲驚的經歷。 |
Chou Meng-tieh's bookstall on Wuchang St. was an iconic image of Taipei's 60s and 70s literary scene. This film attempts to reproduce the atmosphere of Wuchang St., and to recount the amazing pilgrimage of the 90-year-old poet. Chou shares his memories and Buddhist-influenced writings, seeking meaning from the pain of displacement and illness. |