在你我生活之中,每一千人中就有六個位無法與人溝通的自閉症人士。《賽鴿風雲》金鐘獎導演沈可尚耗近三年拍攝,採訪台灣逾百位患者與他們的家庭拍成四個單元,其中一集是八歲自閉兒蔡傑與全職父親的互動學習、互動體諒的故事,由淺入深探討世人對Kanner's Syndrome的迷思,才發現這些來自遙遠星球的孩子的身上,擁有著你我無法理解卻異常精彩的世界。兩岸影人陳國富、桂綸鎂、周迅、陳坤齊聲呼籲,只望更多人從關懷、理解、接納、認同、平等待遇等生命的議題切入正視自閉症,以及與關懷在社會中努力適應生活的這些孩子。 |
Rejecting the stereotypes surrounding autistic individuals, Golden Bell Award-winning director Shen Ko-shang's documentary series about autism in Taiwan likens these unique souls to beautiful beings from another planet, making a sincere effort to bridge the gap between the two "planets." This standalone episode focuses on the touching story of a father who has bravely taken on the daunting responsibility of bringing up his autistic son through tremendous love and patience. With the endorsement of filmmaker Chen Kuo-fu and stars like Kwai Lun-mei, Zhou Xun and Aloys Chen, this documentary encourages viewers to reflect on what it means to be human, and to gain a better understanding of both oneself and others. |