「沈佳宜,我很喜歡妳,非常喜歡妳,總有一天一定會追到妳!」九把刀永遠記得十多年前的那個夏天,用電影打造時光機,把同名小說/親身經歷拍成首部大銀幕片,只為了再一次與她再遇。《聽說》陳妍希被封為新一代的宅男女神,借柯震東、敖犬、郝劭文、蔡昌憲、鄢勝宇五男追女的麻吉故事穿針引線,連繫一段游走於成長旅程的純愛情緣。彰化精誠中學的空氣瀰蔓著中是青春的躍動,在台灣開出三億新台幣亮麗票房,更夯破《艋舺》。 |
In school, there's always that one girl that everyone falls in love with. Some will choose to pursue her, while others will stand idly by, waiting for the chance that will never come. Popular Taiwanese novelist Giddens took a third route and chose to write a novel about her. Now, he brings that popular autobiographical novel to the big screen. Both a hilarious schoolyard comedy and a bittersweet romance, YOU ARE THE APPLE OF MY EYE follows the misadventures of a horny, mischievous high school student, his equally horny friends and that one girl he'll never forget. |