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Green Days

Yi Rang是校中人氣女生,本來努力實踐運動員夢想,卻在接力比賽中跌得一敗塗地。從首爾來的轉校生Cheol Su跟其他男同學一樣平凡,每天沉迷科學發明,夢想成為科學家,想不到本性戇直的他對Yi Rang情有獨鍾。初戀如日常生活點滴的累積,二人雖引起連串麻煩事,但甜在心頭。「美男」朴信惠、《為你著迷》宋昌義為愛與夢想獻聲,簡單不過的畫功和明快的配樂呼喚青春的共鳴,再借80、90年代懷舊的雨傘和火車軌跡背景印證最珍貴的青蔥歲月。STUDIO-MWP創作室掌舵人繼改編韓流劇場動畫《對不起.我愛你》、《冬日戀曲》後打造清新純樸之作。   Set in the 1970s, the coming-of-age charmer GREEN DAYS is nostalgic in more ways than one. From the makers of the WINTER SONATA anime series, the hand-drawn feature goes back to simpler days with simpler animation capturing first love, adolescent dreams and the sights and sounds of times past. After falling behind in a race, schoolgirl Yi-rang quits track in fear of losing. She feels even more insecure with the arrival of popular transfer student Soo-min, but Cheol-soo appears to help Yi-rang find her way. Voiced by TV stars Park Sin-hye and Song Chang-ui.
韓國 South Korea / 2011 / 98min /彩色Colour
韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles
導演 Dir: Ahn Jae-hoon, Han Hye-jin
Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Singapore International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, London Korean Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Annecy International Animation Film Festival 2011
02/11 | 7:50pm | bc
06/11 | 4:00pm | The One