改編自四川的真人真事,講述的是女主角枚竹為了挽救身患白血病的愛女,和前夫再生一子,利用臍帶血來救治生命垂危的女兒,但生命豈能如此盡如人意。劉威葳、成泰燊扮演離婚的夫妻,余男成為左右做人難的現任妻子。一個新生命,迎接一個死亡,王小帥選擇一種不偏不倚、無過不及的中庸姿態,將內蘊於心的人文關懷提昇至不動聲色的哲理層面,以溫柔惇厚的感性來表達愛的難處,繼《十七歲的單車》後出征柏林,再次感動評委奪銀熊獎。 |
Real estate agent Mei Zhu (Liu Weiwei) is determined to save her daughter who has been diagnosed with leukemia. When she learns the best chance for a bone marrow match is among siblings, she decides to have another child with her ex-husband (Zhang Jiayi), even though they have both remarried. Mei Zhu's plan places both marriages in jeopardy as all parties struggle to come to terms with the situation. Wang Xiaoshuai's deeply human portrait of a normal middle-class family coping with extraordinary circumstances won him a second Silver Bear at the 58th Berlin Film Festival. |
中國 China / 2007 / 133min / 彩色Colour
國語對白,英文字幕In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 王小帥Wang Xiaoshuai
主演 Cast: 成泰燊Chen Taisheng, 余男 Yu Na, 田原Tian Yuan
Silver Berlin Bear Best Screenplay & Special Mention at Prize of the Ecumenical Jury &, Berlin International Film Festival 2008
2008 Pula電影節最佳女主角
Golden Arena Best Actress, Pula Film Festival 2008
Film of Merit, Shanghai Film Critics Award 2008
Official Selection, Locarno International Film Festival 2008 |
23/10 | 4:40pm | IFC |
26/10 | 7:20pm | The One |