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Summer Palace

踏入千禧年,婁燁的《頤和園》是中國地下電影的花園。通過1987至2003年長達十七年的愛情故事,郝蕾與郭曉冬幾經悲歡分離,見證八七時代巨輪的變天,加上第三者胡伶伶的加入,最後三人在北京、武漢、重慶、柏林等城市中離離合合,構成一段令人傷感的三角錯愛。一絲不掛的男女主角多場性愛場面絕對媲美《色.戒》,堪稱中國影史上最露骨的情慾大解放,但相比加入大量學運真實紀錄片,婁燁一刀未剪的膽量才是中國電影先驅。   In the autumn of 1988, Yu Hong (Hao Lei) begins her studies in Beijing, and develops a passionate relationship with Zhou Wei (Guo Xiaodong), the man whom she holds briefly but loves for a lifetime. After experiencing the fervor and devastation of the Tiananmen movement, Yu Hong returns to her hometown, the first of many stops as she wanders from city to city, man to man. Banned in China for "technical" reasons, Lou Ye's sweeping tale of personal and political upheaval spans over 16 years in the life of a restless young woman.
中國 China / 2006 / 140min / 彩色Colour
國語對白,英文字幕In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 婁燁Lou Ye
主演 Cast: 白雪雲Bai Xueyun, 崔林Cui Lin, 郭曉東Guo Xiaodong

Nominated as Palme d’Or, Cannes Film Festival 2006
Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2006
Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2006
Official Selection, Oslo International Film Festival 2006
Official Selection, Chicago International Film Festival 2006

20/10 | 9:35pm | IFC
30/10 | 4:50pm | iFC