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Weekend Lover

從第一部電影《周末情人》到最新作品《花》,婁燁的所有電影都在講述愛情這個主題。婁燁拋棄第五代電影的寓言體式,以極其個人化的敘事風格拍下第一部作品,精準地從黑暗人性去捕捉角色人物歷經各種生命創傷拉扯下的身心狀態,寫下在急速現代化都市邊緣的一幅幅浮世繪。故事中兩男一女的簡單戀愛複雜化,當是非被世道所扭曲,愛恨變得混淆不清,戀愛、分手與離別已不再是單純的對立關係,而是互相糾纏的情感瓜葛。馬曉晴、賈宏聲和王志文的演出象徵了垮掉了理想的中國青年人,其中賈宏聲的解脫是叛逆的圖騰。   One of the early films of the Sixth Generation, Lou Ye's debut feature unfolds a stark urban tale of misguided romance and youth disaffection. High school lovers Axi (Jia Hongsheng) and Li Xin (Ma Xiaoqing) are forced to separate after Axi is sent to jail for accidentally killing a classmate. Li Xin moves on and falls in love with musician Lala (Wang Zhiwen). Years later, Axi suddenly reappears, throwing all their lives and relationships into violent turmoil. Lou's fellow Director in Focus, Wang Xiaoshuai, appears in a supporting role as a band member.
中國China / 1995 / 98min / 彩色Colour
國語對白,英文字幕In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演Dir: 婁燁Lou Ye
主演Cast: 賈宏聲Jia Hongsheng, 馬曉晴Ma Xiaoqing, 王志文Wang Zhiwen

Special Prize in Memoriam R.W. Fassbinder, Mannheim-Heidelberg International Film Festival 1996

20/10 | 7:40pm | IFC
22/10 / 8.10pm / The One