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Shanghai Dreams

青紅,芳華十九,出身上海知識份子之家,父親對女兒嚴加管教,她以離家、絕食來反抗,與當地的男生小根相戀,家人怕出亂子於是決定舉家回上海去。豈料,愛人卻受不住這打擊,令愛變得沉重,世界並沒有對這兩小夥子多一些仁慈。王小帥對青紅的處境,感同身受,由上一代的文革打壓到經歷八九的天安門變天,內心充斥著青春和反叛的躁動。氣質清純的高圓圓初登大銀幕之作,靈秀的大眼睛會笑會哭亦會演。青紅最終願意妥協與否,來換取電影能獲公開放映,王小帥繼續走我路,終獲康城的肯定奪評委會獎。   In the sixties, many city workers were relocated to developing regions, and there they would remain for years, raising families far from their hometown. This was the case for Wang Xiaoshuai's parents, and for the family of schoolgirl Qinghong (Gao Yuanyuan). Her father is obsessed with moving back to Shanghai, no matter the costs. Qinghong, however, knows only of life in Guizhou with her rebellious friend (Wang Xueyang) and budding admirer (Li Bin) – a life that is threatening to fall apart because of her father's suffocating strictness and SHANGHAI DREAMS.
中國 China / 2005 / 123min / 彩色Colour
國語對白,英文字幕In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 王小帥Wang Xiaoshuai
主演 Cast: 高圓圓Gao Yuanyuan, 李濱Li Bin, 秦昊Qin Hao
Jury Prize, Cannes Film Festival 2005
Film of Merit, Shanghai Film Critics Award 2006
Best Film, Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival 2005
Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2005
Official Selection, Indianapolis International Film Festival 2006
Official Selection, Oslo International Film Festival 2005
Official Selection, Seattle International Film Festival 2006
27/10 | 9:50pm | bc
29/10 | 4:10pm | IFC