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立秋日模擬土葬,冬至日模擬溺死,立春日象徵火葬,夏至日模擬極度寒冷—上述是青年藝術家齊雷的一項以挑戰人體極限來喚醒生命的行為藝術,最後的冰葬換上了沉重的代價。以真人真事拍成現代奇談,所謂創世的行為藝術或是噁心的報仇懸念,憑意志跨越生死或是真心癲的人體實驗,只是一線之差。沒有死,焉有生,賈宏聲能人所不能的演出,王小帥還是給經歷無數次葬禮的主角保留一份對藝術執著的完整。自1994年空前成功的處女作《冬春的日子》後沈澱三年,王小帥躲到荷蘭完成拍攝,讓他的電影尋回生命的跡象。1997年被紐約時報評為最勇敢的中國獨立電影。   Troubled performance artist Qi Lei (late actor Jia Hongsheng, who died of suicide in 2010) stages a death rite on the first day of each season. For the final act, he commits suicide by ice burial. The circumstances and consequences of his shocking swan song are all part of his great experimental performance of death. Wang Xiaoshuai explores art, madness, manipulation and mortality from the meandering fringe of society in this thought-provoking and, at times, stomach-turning counterculture drama that he originally released under the anonymous alias "Wu Ming.
中國 China / 1997 / 99min / 彩色Colour
國語對白,英文字幕In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 王小帥Wang Xiaoshuai
主演 Cast: 賈宏聲Jia Hongsheng, 馬曉晴Ma Xiaoqing

FIPRESCI Prize – Special Mention, International Film Festival Rotterdam 1997
Official Selection, Singapore International Film Festival 1998
2000 jeonju國際電影參展電影
Official Selection, Jeonju International Film Festival 2000

19/10 | 7:50pm | The One
22/10 | 6:00pm | bc