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HKAFF x Citibank I.T Visa Card 率先掀起全城搶飛潮!
bc VIP會員及Citibank I.T Visa Card客戶

本年度香港亞洲電影節得到Citibank I.T Visa Card的全力支持,
‧由9月28至10月2日起,bc VIP 會員及Citibank I.T Visa Card客戶*均享有5天優先購票 (此優惠只限於放映所選電影之百老匯票房**親身購票)
Citibank I.T Visa Card客戶*可享hkaff購票85折優惠 (只限於放映所選電影之百老匯票房**購票),bc VIP 會員享有百老匯電影中心8折及其他百老匯戲院85折優惠


This year, HKAFF is fully supported by Citibank (HK) Ltd. We will launch the following offers:
- From Sept 28 to Oct 2, bc VIP members and Citibank I.T Visa Card holders* would enjoy 5-day priority purchase of all HKAFF 2011 film tickets (only applicable to purchase-in-person at respective box offices **of the festival's cinemas)
 - Citibank I.T Visa Card holders would enjoy 15% off discounts of all HKAFF 2011 film tickets, while bc VIP members would enjoy 20% off discounts at bc and 15% off discounts at other cinemas under Broadway's circuit.

 Ticketing opens on Oct 3 for public.

*優惠只限於以下之Citibank I.T Visa Card
**hkaff戲院票房包括百老匯電影中心,Palace ifc及百老匯The One. hkaff's box offices include Broadway Cinematheque, Palace ifc and Broadway The One.The offers are only applicable for the below Citibank I.T Visa Card.

The offers are only applicable for the below Citibank I.T Visa Card.

購票細則 :
1. Citibank I.T Visa Card客戶只限用CITIBANK I.T VISA CARD簽賬,bc VIP會員需出示有效會員證
2. 此優惠只適用於日場及夜場之正價戲票
3. 此優惠只適用於戲院票房購票
4. 同一交易最多可享8張戲票優惠
5. 此優惠不適用於任何$35或以下之戲票及星期二全日
6. 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用
7. 此優惠不適用於與片主有特別協議之電影
8. 百老匯院線保留此優惠之決定權
9. 百老匯院線查詢熱線: 2388-0002