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保衛戰隊 之 出動喇!朋友!
Let’s Go!

《復仇者之死》黃精甫+麥浚龍這對型格小雙俠載譽歸來,將前作的低壓沉鬱一腳踢走,借用東洋動畫特攝之魂,注入港式動作喜劇的軀殼,大無畏地改寫「超人」的定義。茶餐廳夥計李小雙幼年目睹父親英勇犧牲,長大後練得一身非凡武藝,因此得到神秘社團招攬做保鏢,還邂逅叛逆少女安妮。然而槍火無義,小雙被捲入幫會的殘酷內戰,逼使他爆發基因中潛藏的正義能量!片中一眾配角均非常給力:王羽、夏文汐功架猶存,溫超出位搶鏡,「宇宙大帝」更是貫穿全片的精神圖騰。   A street-wise young man (Juno Mak) is offered a job as a bodyguard for a powerful gang boss (Wang Yu). Soon, he becomes embroiled in a violent battle against a sinister, power-hungry super-villain (Gordon Lam), forcing him to take up his destiny as a protector for all that is good. Paying homage to 1980s Japanese superhero cartoons like SPACE EMPEROR GOD SIGMA, director Wong Ching-po (REVENGE A LOVE STORY) and action director Nicky Li (INVISIBLE TARGET) combine slick stylized action with an inspiring underdog story to create a wildly entertaining superhero origin film – Hong Kong action cinema-style!
香港 Hong Kong / 2011 / 90min / 彩色Colour
粵語對白,英文字幕In Cantonese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 黄精甫Wong Ching-po
主演 Cast: 麥浚龍Juno Mak, 鄧麗欣Stephy Tang, 林家棟Gordon Lam, 王羽Wang Yu, 夏文汐Patricia Ha
8/11 | 7:50pm | The One
8/11 | 9:50pm | The One