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幻之光 Maborosi
23/9 (Sat) / 5:45pm / bc
28/9 (Thu) / 9:40pm / ifc
日本Japan / 1995 / 彩色Color / 35mm / 110 min
日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles
演員Cast: 江角真紀子Makiko Esumi, 淺野忠信Tadanibu Asano, 內藤剛志Takashi Naito
「生」與「死」、「喪失」與「重生」,向來是是枝的命題,在拍攝首部劇情長片時,他就揀選了宮本輝的【幻之光】── 一位與他風格巧妙地相近的小說家。由美子十二歲時,最愛的祖母突然失蹤了,無緣無故的死別,在她心裡留下了不滅的傷痕。轉眼間由美子廿五歲了,這次傳來的是丈夫自殺的消息……五年後,由美子再嫁,去了海邊的小村子開始新生活,可惜她的心依然未能釋然。一天,為了弟弟的婚禮,由美子重返故鄉,亡夫的回憶再次湧現眼前,令她萌起死念。從來想不通為何丈夫要自殺的由美子,此時看到海邊的如幻似真的奇光,恍惚另有所悟……
Lyrical and astonishingly beautiful, MABOROSI follows the odyssey of Yumiko, a young woman struggling to comprehend the inexplicable suicide of her childhood sweetheart and husband Ikuo. Shattered by her loss, Yumiko nevertheless finds the courage to continue with her life and to care for their infant son. Five years pass and Yumiko and her son leave Osaka for a small fishing village. A matchmaker has found her a husband, Tamio (Takashi Naitoh), a widower with a young daughter, and she is going there to join them. The rugged seaside landscape of her new home, with its spectacular seasonal changes, becomes a metaphor for Yumiko's tumultuous emotional and spiritual state.