當《復仇者之死》的麥浚龍以死成全富川影帝夢,但韓國仍有復仇者未死。弱勢男生為12年的冤獄的復仇記,逃獄後變成鐵岩溪谷地下新街霸,誓要把當日殺他全家的真兇找出來一一血祭,一場極速殺伐的血鬥蓄勢待發。新世代影人池夏珍以低成本獨立製作與近年來眾多韓國復仇大片單打獨鬥,拍攝處理得輕巧細緻,影像凌厲,觀感既刺激且真實,獲歐洲奇幻影展聯盟亞洲電影獎實至名歸。 |
There have been quite a few Korean revenge thrillers in recent years, and this low-budget genre gem holds its own in western-inspired style. Released from prison after 12 years, Chul-ki is out for bloody revenge on the people who killed his family. Armed with a music box of memories pointing to his enemies, the silent hero returns to his dusty hometown, which has been bled dry by developers and gangsters. Ji Ha-jean's slow-burning revenge saga won two awards at the 15th Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival. |
韓國 South Korea / 2011 / 90min /彩色Colour
韓語對白,英文字幕In Korean with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 池夏珍Ji Ha-jean
主演 Cast: Lee Moo Saeng, Yun Sang Hwa
2011富川國際奇幻電影節歐洲科幻電影大獎聯盟亞洲獎、 Fujifilm Eterna獎
European Fantastic Film Festival Asian Award & Fujifilm Eterna Award, Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival 2011 |
21/10 | 9:50pm | The One |
27/10 | 9:50pm | IFC |