Movie 電影 |
Airport 三谷幸喜 大空港 |
Info 電影資料 |
日本 Japan / 2014 / 100 min 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
三谷幸喜 Mitani Koki |
Cast 演員 |
竹內結子 Takeuchi Yuko, 香川照之 Kagawa Teruyuki, 神野三鈴 Kanno Misuzu, 石橋杏奈 Ishibashi Anna, 池松壯亮 Ikematsu Sosuke, 生瀨勝久 Namase Katsuhisa, 戶田惠梨香 Toda Erika, 小田切讓 Odagiri Joe |
名編劇導演三谷幸喜2011年開創了一開拍就不停機不NG不停拍的「完全 One Scene One Cut」系列,今回由初次合作的竹內結子挑戰一鏡到底,90分鐘內追縱她飾演的機場地勤人員,突來的壞天氣令滯留在松本機場的乘客心情壞透,家庭小糾紛愈鬧愈大,最終演變成一發不可收拾的大災難。演出者由前作的3人增加至12人,拍攝難度幾何級數提升。有生瀬勝久、戶田惠梨香、小田切讓、香川照之等豪華卡士加盟,演技PK火花四射,一氣呵成。
A flight to Tokyo is forced to land at a small-town airport due to bad weather, bringing an influx of passengers that the staff has never dealt with before. Not only does ground staff Chigusa (Takeuchi Yuko) have to maintain order amidst the chaos, she also has to prevent a family of passengers from experiencing a total meltdown by guarding their secrets from each other. Shot in a single 100-minute uninterrupted take in a real small-town airport, writer-director Mitani Koki’s latest film – made for a Japanese pay television network – is an impressively staged and uproarious farce that recalls the witty auteur’s stage roots.