Movie 電影 |
Gyeongju 慶州蜜語 |
Info 電影資料 |
South Korea, China / 2014 / 145min 韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
張律 Zhang Lu |
Cast 演員 |
朴海日 Park Hae-il, 新慜娥 Shin Min-ah, 尹珍序 Yoon Jin-seo |
Festival & Award 影展及獎項 |
多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 羅迦諾電影節 Locarno International Film Festival |
中國朝鮮族影人張律,憑借《芒種》、《豆滿江》刻畫出朝鮮與漢人少數民族的悲劇而獲康城和柏林電影節關注,但他並非對藝術片情有獨鐘。北京大學教授崔賢參加朋友的葬禮後,來到七年前曾和故人一起去過的慶州茶館。他向優雅的茶館女主人問起春宮圖的去向卻被當成變態,二人竟然互生好感。這對奇男怪女與 學者、專家、刑警把酒談歡,天南地北,由北韓、花卉到愛情,無所不談。張律對故友有感而發,墓地、酒、茶館令他想起與故友在慶州的時光,茶館裡內有亁坤,一幅春圖給人無限暇思。
Best known for arthouse films about the bleak struggles of the dislocated and marginalized, Korean-Chinese filmmaker Zhang Lu departs from his previous works with this delightfully offbeat romantic drama. While light and musing in tone, this bittersweet film nonetheless keenly touches on the director’s themes of cross-cultural identities and deep-seated wounds. Returning to Korea for a funeral, Beijing-based professor Choi Hyeon (Park Hae-il) impulsively heads to Gyeongju, a quaint historical city that he once visited with his late friend. The trip down memory lane leads him to a teahouse where an erotic painting once hung on the wall. The painting is gone but he meets the teahouse’s beautiful new owner (Shin Min-ah).