Movie 電影 |
The World of Kanako 渴罪 |
Info 電影資料 |
日本 Japan / 2014 / 118 min 日語對白,中英文字幕 In Japanese with Chinese and English Subtitles |
Director 導演 |
中島哲也 Nakashima Tetsuya |
Cast 演員 |
役所廣司 Yakusho Koji, 小松菜奈 Komatsu Nana, 妻夫木聰 Tsumabuki Satoshi, 小田切讓 Odagiri Joe, 中谷美紀 Nakatani Miki, 二階堂富美 Nikaido Fumi, 橋本愛 Hashimoto Ai |
Festival & Award 影展及獎項 |
多倫多電影節 Toronto International Film Festival 釜山電影節 Busan International Film Festival |
繼《告白》後,導演中島哲也再次衝破規範,完成又一魔性之作!爛泥不如的退職刑警藤島(役所廣司飾)收到前妻通知,兩人的高中女兒加奈子(小松菜奈 飾)突然消失人間。藤島為人火爆,並逞著幾分殘餘的老差骨氣焰,四出瘋狂尋女。他搜刮出狂妄同學、虛僞教師、邪門黑道、忠粉傀儡、輕浮刑警等等相關人物,並漸漸在調查過程中情緒失控,因為他發現資優生乖女的真面目——凶狠、敗壞、淫穢、無惡不作!她以美色作餌,將身邊的人玩弄得粉身碎骨。藤島渴望家人破鏡重圓,但看到的是欲念、憤怒、嫉妒、貪婪。藤島頓從噩夢中清醒過來,最終等著他的還有甚麼?本片改編自日本得獎暢銷小說,糅合中島導演一貫的暴力美學,刻畫常理崩壞的日本社會。矚目新星小松菜奈極致演繹天使惡魔混合體,聯同役所廣司、妻夫木聰、小田切讓、中谷美紀、橋本愛、二階堂富美等人組成豪華卡士,齊齊挑戰觀眾極限,誘發人性終極黑暗面。
An alcoholic with little to live for, former detective Fujishima (Yakusho Koji) receives a call from his ex-wife about the disappearance of his estranged 17-year-old daughter Kanako (Komatsu Nana). Driven by delusions about a happy family reunion, Fujishima goes on a destructive search, only to discover that his daughter’s sweet good girl image is purely a façade for the demon that lies beneath. Based on the award-winning mystery novel, the latest by Nakashima Tetsuya (Confessions) is another intensely visceral masterpiece that assaults the audience’s senses on all fronts. The film stirred such uproar in Japan during its release that Nakashima even had to release a statement to defend its violence.