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巧克力重擊 Chocolate Rap
27/9 (Wed) / 7:40pm / bc
2/10 (Mon) / 5:50pm / bc
台灣Taiwan / 2005 / 彩色Color / 35mm / 83min
國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 李啟源 Chi Y. Lee
主演 Cast: 賴雅妍Megan Lai, 陳信宏Dennis Chen, 黃柏青Gino Huang

要贏人,就先要贏自己。熱愛 hip hop 的窮少年巧克力,捱過地獄式苦練,在一次比賽中不但擊敗對手,更與同是舞林中人的 Pachinko 惺惺相惜,一起跳遍大街小巷,怎料一場車禍,卻令巧克力的舞蹈生涯和自信畫上休止符。萌生放棄跳舞念頭的他,卻因那個愛彈鋼琴的少女的一番話,重燃鬥志。一段父子情,細膩、靜默而好看,是《墮落天使》金城武與其老豆的再版;那段二男一女的三角關係,沒有順手掀起《祖與占》式的戀戀風塵,反而滲透著強勁的節拍、動感的舞姿,爆發台灣電影新能量!

同塲加映:陳子謙的《D.I.Y.》(新加坡/6min) — 活在枯燥平凡的生活並不緊要,重點是將生命加點創意,譜出自已獨有的樂章。
After battling six b-boys on a desolate bridge, Choco secures not only his legend, but also top manager Pachinko. Under Pachinko's guidance, Choco manages to rise to the top of the break dancing scene, until a car accident that places a complete change on his life. When Choco hits rock bottom and agrees to teach the ambitious small-time dancer King Kong. Regaining his confidence, King Kong also learns a lesson in life.

Screening with: Royston Tang's D.I.Y. (Singapore/6min) – Life is boring. But why let it be? You can change it, just D.I.Y.!