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Mr Tree

賈樟柯任監製全力護航、新銳導演韓杰鋒芒畢露,將農村題材喜劇抹上國產片少見的魔幻色彩,煉成一部有強烈影像風格的荒誕另類諷世寓言,曲線呈現當今中國社會異狀。王寶強驚艷出演鄉下青年樹(角色靈感源自「犀利哥」),是個低微的修車工人,在村裡向來是被大家忽略的小人物。當村子被逼遷拆,樹乾脆出省城謀生。一次他回鄉娶了聾啞骨妹做老婆,奇怪的事發生了:他發覺自己往往在靈光一閃間瞥見未來的景象,而村裡發生的事情果然陸續應驗了他的預言。樹頓成人人尊敬的先知「樹先生」,然而他卻無法預見自己的命運……   Produced by Jia Zhangke, director Han Jie's offbeat satire MR. TREE reflects the absurd reality in a rapidly urbanizing China with a surreal touch and stylized visual flair. Wang Baoqiang (BLIND SHAFT) gives a charming performance as Shu (Mandarin for "tree"), a humble car mechanic in a remote village about to be relocated to make way for an expanding coal mine. Wandering between his village and the city in search of a new job – and perhaps some dignity – Shu marries deaf-mute massage-parlor girl Xiaomei (Tan Zhuo). Then he begins to experience peculiar visions of the future, and when some of those visions come true, the village clown suddenly becomes a respected prophet people call Mr. Tree.
中國 China / 2011 / 88min / 彩色Colour
國語對白,英文字幕In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 韓杰Han Jie
主演 Cast: 譚卓Tan Zhuo, 王寶強Wang Baoqiang
2011上海國際電影節最佳導演, 評審團大獎
Best Director & Jury Grand Prix, Shanghai International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Locarno International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Vancouver International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, Pusan International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, BFI London Film Festival 2011
5/11 | 7:50pm | The One
6/11 | 7:45pm | The One