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Pick The Youth

主修小提琴的古典音樂班學生阿森生於傳統醫藥世家,保守的爺爺和爸爸安排他轉讀普通班,以考好升高中試,為錦繡前程鋪路。偏偏阿森卻與三個玩搖滾的同學仔擦出火花,齊齊夾band參加音樂比賽,激發祖孫三代的矛盾衝突。在《藍色大門》導演易智言與《九降風》金馬獎最佳編劇蔡宗翰仗義相挺下,攝而優則導的陳大璞一鳴驚人,融合青春成長與熱血追夢的切身題材,探討中國人家庭剪不斷理還亂的父子關係。四位初登場的音樂神童均充滿亮點,幾乎將飾演小主角父母的張克帆和高慧君、串星王柏傑等都比下去了。   With the backing of producer Yee Chih-yen (BLUE GATE CROSSING) and writer Tsai Tsung-han (WINDS OF SEPTEMBER), cinematographer-turned-director Chen Ta-pu explores the dynamics of the typical father-son relationship in a Chinese family in his feature film debut. Born in a traditional family of medical practitioners in the south of Taiwan, A-sen (Benny Tseng) has his future mapped out for him by his father (Jonathan Chang) and grandfather (Shi Feng). When urged to suspend his study of classical music to focus on the high school entrance exam, he joins three schoolmates to form a rock band! But in the face of mounting pressure from his family, A-sen makes a surprising decision that leads to unexpected outcomes.
台灣 Taiwan / 2011 / 85min / 彩色Colour
國語對白,英文字幕In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 陳大璞Chen Ta-pu
主演 Cast: 曾宇謙Benny Tseng Yu-chien, 高慧君Paicʉ Yatauyungana, 石峰Shi Feng
Official Selection, Taipai Film Festival 2011
6/11 | 9:50pm | IFC
7/11 | 7:50pm | bc