印度的方言、宗教和風土人情很太多,多種族性也直接或間接地令不同種族的人的隔閡互相加深。地方民房被清拆激起民憤,一對父子的不滿已到了忍無可忍的地步,老的採取消極的態度,年青激進內心交戰但意難平。生於錫克教徒家庭的格温達.辛格從,自小來自旁遮普邦的母親身上了解多元種族文化,成長中從不同的反對聲音獲得啟示,要達成共識的豈止是導演的責任?首作獲恩師兼已故名導Mani Kaul擔當創作總監加持,平靜的畫面與空間的深度來捕捉的非激情與不滿,而是睿智的救濟與感悟,在威尼斯地平線單元大放異彩。 |
The first Punjabi film to premiere at the Venice International Film Festival, ALMS OF THE BLIND HORSE is a quietly powerful look at the oppressive caste system in modern-day Punjab. When powerful landowners demolish a building in their community, villagers gather to protest the injustice. While his father (Mal Singh) stands silently and helplessly alongside the protesters, frustrated Melu (Samuel John) joins his union on a labor strike. Meanwhile, his mother quietly simmers over the landlords’ treatment of her fellow field workers. Through this family, director Gurvinder Singh brings to light the uncomfortable truths of individuals stuck in the margins, whose angst and anger arise from their inability to affect their own destinies. |
印度 India / 2011 / 112min / 彩色Colour
旁遮普語對白,英語字幕In Punjabi with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 格温達.辛格Gurvinder Singh
主演 Cast: Samuel John, Mal Singh, Sarbjeet Kaur
Official Selection, Horizon, Venice International Film Festival 2011
Official Selection, BFI London Film Festival |
4/11 | 9:50pm | bc |
7/11 | 7:20pm | The One |