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A Good Rain to Know

唯美、浪漫、文藝,是許秦豪電影的代名詞。為了紀念512四川 大地震,許導首次遠道從洋,與陳果和崔健聯手合作《成都,我 愛你》過去、現在與未來的成都三部曲。許秦豪借題發揮,在現 在篇《好雨時節》以詩聖杜甫代表成都,造就了在草堂門前中韓 俊男美女鄭雨盛和高圓圓重遇,再續異地未了緣。影片亮相威尼 斯和釜山,許導帶觀眾坐黃包車走入成都大街小巷,在公園起 舞、看大熊貓,上館子吃麻辣火鍋,這場來得及時的春夜喜雨, 滋潤了經歷重創後汶川的干涸大地。

Originally a part of the CHENGDU, I LOVE YOU omnibus, A GOOD RAIN KNOWS became a separate full-length feature about a second chance for love in Chengdu. Acclaimed director Hur Jin-ho (HAPPINESS) brings together Korean star Jung Woo-sung and Chinese actress Gao Yuanyuan for a gentle cross-cultural romance that goes easy on the eyes and the heart. Drawing on the region's picturesque locales, poetic atmosphere and tragic history, the film unfolds as more than a love story, but an emotional journey of remembrance and forgetting.



南韓、中國 South Korea, China / 2009 / 彩色Color / 100 min
韓語、國語、英語對白,英文字幕 In Korean, Mandarin, English with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 許秦豪 Hur Jin-ho
主演 Cast: 鄭雨盛 Jung Woo-sung, 高圓圓 Gao Yuanyuan



29/10 | 7:30pm | bc
7/11 | 7:50pm | The One