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酒肉宿醉、男女情慾,是影展常客洪尚秀的拿手小菜。今次洪導 在康城「一種關注」的圚桌上,與金相慶、俞俊相摸摸酒杯底, 只談風月,不談往事,在酒興之旅中再回想起金剛于、金玟善、 文素利奇男怪女,每人心中也有不能說的秘密。被評為洪尚秀最 幽默輕鬆的一部作品,《哈哈夏》延續洪氏男女情慾糾葛的多角 幾何,觀眾對洪氏兩性關係的對立早已習以為常,反而兩位男主 角之間身份錯配,明明是導演,又是影評人,洪尚秀有意無意閑 聊著的故事,嘻皮笑臉之間充滿夫子自道的自嘲自憐。

The premise is familiar: a movie critic (Yoo Joon-sang) and an aspiring director (Kim Sang-kyung) reminisce about their summer trips over rice wine, gradually revealing that their memories and encounters intertwine. Like in any Hong Sang-soo film, the neurotic heroes wander, womanize, and drink and talk too much, but there's more humor and less cynicism to the misadventures than in the director's previous works. The film's title refers to the Korean word for summer, "Ha". It's also the sound of laughter that fills the theater for Hong's lightest work yet.



南韓 South Korea / 2010 / 彩色Color / 116 min
韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 洪尚秀 Hong Sang-soo
主演 Cast: 金相慶 Kim Sang-kyung, 劉俊相 Yu Jun-sang, 文素利 Moon So-ri



Un Certain Regard prize, Cannes Film Festival 2010

3/11 | 7:30pm | bc
7/11 | 3:00pm | The One