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Villain (Akunin)

一名女保險業務員被殺,到底誰才是罪大惡極的惡人?《草裙娃 娃呼啦啦》導演李相日執導,芥川獎得主吉田修一的原作改編。 《惡人》結合犯罪、推理和純愛元素,赤裸地揭露現代人的孤獨 和疏離,以及對愛與被愛的渴望。妻夫木聰一改戲路,首次挑戰 惡人角色,女主角深津繪里更憑此片奪得加拿大蒙特利爾世界電 影節影后殊榮。

HULA GIRL director Lee Sang-il offers no likable underdog in VILLAIN, an emotionally intense journey of a murderer and his lover. Satoshi Tsumabuki (THE MAGIC HOUR) leaves behind his good looks to play a lonely laborer who kills his girlfriend (Hikari Mitsushima of LOVE EXPOSURE) and goes on the run with a shop clerk (Eri Fukatsu). Lee pulls back the veil with this examination of loneliness, exposing the various forms of villainy that surround us. As the woman who falls in love with the murderer, Fukatsu's raw performance earned her the Best Actress award at the Montreal World Film Festival.



日本 Japan / 2010 / 彩色Color / 139 min
日語對白,英文字幕 In Japanese with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 李相日 Sang-il Lee
主演 Cast: 妻夫木聰 Satoshi Tsumabuki, 深津繪里 Eri Fukatsu, 滿島光 Hikari Mitsushima



Best Actress Award, Montreal World Film Festival 2010

23/10 | 5:15pm | The One
24/10 | 9:15pm | bc