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Poetry (Shi)

作家出身的李滄東,拍電影成名後,沒法忘卻文字的美,繼《密 陽》後再挾新作《詩》重遊康城,用無聲勝有聲的的文字與影像 來詮釋詩的美麗。三屆大鐘獎影后尹靜姬,闊別16年重返大銀 幕,舉手投足風采依然,扮演患老人痴呆症的清貧婆婆,花甲之 年才初嚐寫詩之美,活出痛苦與快樂的一生。詩,逐漸凋零,依 舊美麗,外表醜陋的世情,細心感受也有美好的一面,李滄東把 他的電影與文學觀延續到《詩》上,讓他再度揚威康城奪最佳編 劇獎。

Three years after SECRET SUNSHINE, Lee Chang-dong made a splash at the Cannes Film Festival again in 2010 with his POETRY winning Best Screenplay. Lee wrote the bittersweet story with veteran actress Yoon Jeong-hee in mind for the moving role of a gentle grandmother who seeks solace through writing. Enrolling in a poetry class by chance, she endeavors to capture her life in verse form, but her simple dream of completing a poem is hindered by deteriorating health and her irresponsible grandson's shocking crime.



南韓 South Korea / 2010 / 彩色 Color / 139 min
韓語對白,英文字幕 In Korean with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 李滄東 Lee Chang-dong
主演 Cast: 尹靜姬 Yoon Jeong-hee, 李大為 David Lee



Best Screenplay Award, Cannes Film Festival 2010
Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2010
Opening Film, San Sebastian International Film Festival 2010

5/11 | 7:15pm | bc
6/11 | 2:00pm | The One
7/11 | 9:20pm | IFC
9/11 | 9:20pm | IFC
14/11 | 2:15pm | bc