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I Wish I Knew

錯過了遊世博的走馬看花﹖賈樟柯的《海上傳奇》更能讓你重新 認識上海。走訪兩岸三地,選出18位最具代表性的上海人物,由 大導演侯孝賢、潘廸華、革命家、資本家、勞模、政客、軍人, 到黑幫、學者、富二代、名人之後至八十後韓寒也來趁熱鬧,從 十八羅漢映照出黃埔灘後的革命、戰爭、暗殺和愛情故事,從 1930年至今變革的光怪陸離,側寫中國近代史的波瀾跌宕。康 城關注放映後,回上海迎世博,賈樟柯、余力為、林強鐵三角訴 說80年間上海血淚史,原來這次口述歷史也有份血脈相依的香港 情。

Originally commissioned to make a tribute film for the Shanghai Expo, Jia Zhangke stuck to his guns and created an honest homage to the host city in his signature style. Through the personal stories of 18 individuals representative of the Shanghainese identity, including descendants of notable figures and contemporary luminaries, this acclaimed documentary paints a bigger picture of the evolution of Shanghai from the 1930s to the present day. Jia's muse Zhao Tao makes her appearance as an anonymous witness to these tales of rebels and revolution, soldiers and war, gangsters and assassination, artists and romance.



中國、荷蘭 China, The Netherlands / 2010 / 彩色Color / 118 mins
國語對白,英文字幕 In Mandarin with English subtitles
導演 Dir: 賈樟柯 Jia Zhangke



Official Selection – Un Certain Regard, Cannes Film Festival 2010
2010 瑞士盧卡諾國際電影節參展電影
Official Selection, Locarno International Film Festival 2010
Official Selection, Toronto International Film Festival 2010

29/10 | 9:40pm | The One
31/10 | 2:45pm | bc