14/7 (Fri) / 7:30pm / bc
20/7 (Thu) / 9:40pm / ifc
23/7 (Sun) / 7:40pm / AMC
"Blind Chance? is no longer a description of the outside world but rather of the inner world. It's a description of the powers which meddle with our fate, which pushes us one way or another."

Blind Chance (Przypadek)
波蘭 Poland / 1981 / 122min / 35mm / Colour
波蘭語對白.英文字幕 In Polish with English subtitles
演員 Cast : Boguslaw Linda, Tadeusz Lomnicki, Boguslawa Pawelec

被喻為奇斯洛夫斯基最具創意和最精彩作品之一,主線一分為三的敘事形式十多年後被《緣份兩面睇》和《疾走羅拉》搬字過紙,但論深度和哲學意境兩者顯然遠遠不及本片。滿懷理想的醫學院學生偉特受父親臨終遺言影響,決定放棄學業到華沙碰運氣,然而在月台上趕上與趕不上火車之間卻引發不同命運 ─ 加入共產黨、成為異見份子與結婚生子三種截然不同的人生路向,只取決於一念之間與種種巧合。命運是註定還是意志的延伸,是貫穿奇斯洛夫斯基所有作品的重要母題,但活在極權下,三種選擇卻諷刺地殊途同歸。此片因涉及政治敏感題材被禁,七年後始在康城曝光,馬上技驚四座,奠定奇斯洛夫斯基在國際影壇的地位。
Some call this one of Kieslowski's best and most original film. The device of having three possible endings to the story still looks fresh today, mainly because it is not used as a gimmick (as in Sliding Doors and Run Lola Run made more than a dozen years later) but an effective way to explore deeper questions: is destiny predetermined and what is the role of chance and coincidences in people's lives? Idealistic medical student Witek impulsively decides to go to Warsaw after his father's death and at the train station he almost misses the train - or doesn't he? This simple incident will influence whether he becomes a communist party member, an underground dissident, or return to medicine and get married. By situating these destinies within a Poland simmering with civil discontent and labour strives, Kieslowski ironically suggests that all choices are in vain. Because of its politically sensitive themes, Blind Chance was banned in Poland. When it premiered in Cannes seven years later, it was immediately hailed as a work of genius, and established Kieslowski as one of the world's most important directors.