16/7 (Sun) / 7:40pm / bc
23/7 (Sun) / 5:40pm / AMC
「《十誡》最精彩的意念是:每一誡由不同的攝影師操刀...... 真是美妙極了。」
"The best idea I had in Decalogue was that each of the ten films were made by a different lighting cameraman... It was fantastic."
Decalogue 7 & 8 (Dekalog 7 & 8)
波蘭 Poland / 1988 / 110min / 35mm / Colour
波蘭語對白.英文字幕 In Polish with English subtitles
演員 Cast : Anna Polony, Maja Barelkowska, Maria Koscialkowska, Teresa Marczewska


第八誡:「不可作假見證。」滿口仁義道德,誰人不會?大學的倫理學教授,遇上猶太女學生,向她述說納粹時期,一個天主教徒因不肯作假見證而令她險死的故事。今天的倫理教授,正是當天的見死不救者,世事豈不諷刺?但這只是女孩看到的片面真實而已...... 奇斯洛夫斯基成功展示了一個最難解的倫理問題:若為了挽救一些人的生命而必須選擇犧牲另一個無辜性命,我們承受得起因此而來的罪疚感嗎?
Decalogue 7: "Thou shalt not steal." A beautiful, melancholic young woman whose illegitimate daughter has been raised by her own mother, kidnaps and takes the child to her real father in a desperate attempt to establish true family ties. But the man who stole her heart is unwilling to return her love.

Decalogue 8: "Thou shalt not bear false witness" A famous, elderly professor of ethics encounters a young Jewish lady in class. She tells her that under the Nazis, a Catholic woman had refused to help rescue her because her religion cannot forgive those who bear false witness. It is later revealed that the professor was that stubborn Catholic. However, this is only the partial truth... Kieslowski handles the most insolvable ethical dilemma here. When one saves many lives at the expense of a single innocent one, can one bear that ever-haunting feeling of guilt?