30/7 (Sun) / 9:40pm / bc
29/7 (Sat) / 9:40pm / ifc
閉幕電影 Closing Film
Hell (L'Enfer)
法國 France / 2005 / 98min / 35mm / Colour
In French with English and Chinese subtitles

導演 Dir : 丹尼坦奴域 Danis Tanovic
演員 Cast : Emmanuelle Béart, Karin Viard, Marie Gillain

奇斯洛夫斯基與Krzysztof  Piesiewicz合作編寫靈感源自但丁《神曲》的「天堂、地獄、煉獄」三部曲,本打算交由其他導演執導。大師離世後,有心人繼續經營他的遺志。首部曲《天堂》早於零二年曝光,第二部曲《地獄》由叫好叫座的《無人地帶》導演坦奴域操刀,自然萬眾期待。三個同住巴黎但不相往來的姊妹分別面對情傷。美艷的蘇菲懷疑丈夫有外遇,明查暗訪找到真相卻令她更加迷失;小妹妹安妮戀上年紀比她大一截的教授,明知沒有好結果仍義無反顧,只因想尋回失去的父愛;莎蓮忙於照顧四肢癱瘓的母親,感情卻空白一片,直至身邊出現神祕的美男子。但神女有心,襄王卻另有所求,並揭示了三姊妹的童年創傷。 坦奴域的影像明顯向大師致敬,但角色處理別出心裁。奇斯洛夫斯基擅於刻劃人與人之間的複雜關係,坦奴域的主角卻各懷鬼胎,且配合本片主題,展示出一個欠缺愛與寬恕的地獄世界。
Although he announced his retirement in 1995, Kieslowski continued to work with Krzysztof Piesiewicz on a trilogy --"Heaven, Hell, Purgatory"-- with the intention of handing the scripts to other directors. Heaven came out in 2002, while the much anticipated second installment, Hell, is directed by Bosnian Danis Tanovic, whose previous credits include the acclaimed No Man's Land. Three estranged sisters living in Paris are all facing emotional troubles. Sophie suspects her husband is unfaithful, and humiliates herself with her insistence to find out the truth. Anne is involved in a passionate relationship with her professor, and is devastated when he tries to break it off. Céline devotes her life to taking care of their invalid mother, neglecting her own emotional needs. She is overwhelmed when a mysterious young man appears to show interest in her, but it turns out that he is the key to unlocking the sisters' dark childhood secret. Visually, the film pays homage to the mater, but Tanovic injects his distinctive style in the way he interprets characters. Whereas Kieslowski is good at displaying the complex and often contradictory impulses underlying human relationships, Tanovic's characters hide their true feelings from one another. The emotional coldness of the three sisters is in keeping with the film's main theme, for they live in a kind of hell where neither love nor forgiveness is possible.