23/7 (Sun) / 4:15pm / bc
25/7 (Tue) / 9:40pm / ifc
17/7 (Mon) / 7:40pm / AMC
"The Scar shows a man who not only doesn't win but is embittered by the situation in which he finds himself."
The Scar (Blizna)
波蘭 Poland / 1976 / 104min / 35mm / Colour
In Polish with English and Chinese subtitles

演員 Cast : Franciszek Pieczka, Mariusz Dmochowski,
Jerzy Stuhr


同場加映: 《拍板》(1976/6') 是一些《疤》沒有採用的片段。
This is Kieslowski's very first feature for the cinema. Before this film, he had already made some TV dramas. He called this his most socio-realist work, for it depicts how life as it ought to be. The film is based on a journalist report. In the 1970's, an honest Party man is put in charge of the construction of a new chemical factory. He believes that he will build a place where people can lead a good life, but his intentions conflict with those of the townspeople who are primarily concerned with their short-term needs. Disillusioned, he gives up his post. The film takes place in factories and at meetings, and unfolds in a clear, linear storyline, in sharp contrast with Kieslowski's latter works which are concerned mainly with the emotional world of the protagonists.

Screened with: Slate (1976/6') contains outtakes from The Scar.