20/7 (Thu) / 9:40pm / bc
25/7 (Tue) / 9:40pm / bc
"The script for Personnel was more or less like the finished film, plus all sorts of things which happened on the way, of course. The action was very loose, very free."
短片節目四 : 夢想幻滅
Shorts Program 4 : Broken Dreams
波蘭 Poland / 1971-1975 /
全長Total: 104min / 35mm & Beta / B/W & Colour
波蘭語對白.英文字幕 In Polish with English subtitles

Communism inspired great hopes in people, but also dashed many dreams. Before the Rally (1971/16') is a short documentary about the Polish racing team participating in the Monte Carlo rally. The technical problems they face reveal the social and political flaws of the country. The Bricklayer (1974/18') was a true believer who rose through the ranks of the party, only to be purged after 1956. Now reverted to an ordinary bricklayer, he looks back on his life with some bitterness, but nevertheless lives with his dignity intact. Personnel (1975/70') is a made-for-television dramatic feature, and tells the story of a young man who joins the Warsaw Opera as an apprentice tailor. Behind the scenes actors and technicians gossip and bicker, yet when the curtain goes up and the music starts to play, something magical happens. But before long, the young man is embroiled in a clash of personalities between a demanding opera singer and a fellow tailor, and is forced to denounce his friend. The opera thus serves as a microcosm of the country as a whole.