15/7 (Sat) / 7:40pm / bc
21/7 (Fri) / 9:40pm / ifc
29/7 (Sat) / 2:10pm / AMC
"...never in my life have I received as many letters or phone calls about a film from people I didn't know as I did after No End. And all of them... said that I'd spoken the truth about martial law."
No End (Bez Konca)
波蘭 Poland / 1984 / 107min / 35mm / Colour
波蘭語對白.英文字幕 In Polish with English subtitles
演員Cast : Grazyna Szapolowska, Aleksander Bardini

英年早逝的律師魂魄徘徊人間,只因還有太多心事未了。他死前處理的罷工工人案件,轉交老謀深算的大狀處理,但老頭子對工人的理想置若妄聞,只打算以妥協換取他們的釋放。另一方面,遺孀奧娜驚覺了解丈夫實在太少,透過各種方法發掘他的過去,甚至以催眠接觸亡夫,陰陽相隔的夫妻竟比活著時更心有靈犀。悲觀又富爭議性的結局,被當時左右兩派衛道之士猛烈抨擊,其實反映了當時受蘇聯軍治下的波蘭的普遍情緒。哲學與政治的有機溶合,是奇斯洛夫斯基的獨門秘方,與十年後同樣描寫喪夫之痛的《藍》成有趣的對比。此片是奇斯洛夫斯基與配樂師Zbigniew Preisner 和編劇Krzysztof Piesiewicz鐵三角陣容的首度碰頭,馬上迸發奇妙化學作用。
A young lawyer dies of a heart attack, but his spirit still lingers. The case he had been dealing with before his death - concerning a worker accused of starting an illegal strike - is now defended by an old, cynical lawyer who wants the worker to compromise his ideals in exchange for his release. Meanwhile, the young lawyer's widow realizes how much she loves her husband, and tries to find out as much as she can about his past. When she connects with his spirit during hypnosis, she experiences a sudden revelation. The film's surprising and pessimistic ending was extremely controversial at the time, and was roundly condemned by critics on both the Left and the Right. This pessimism probably reflected the mood of Poland under Soviet-imposed martial law, but Kieslowski's unique way of blending metaphysical and political themes prevents this film from being merely topical. This is the first collaboration between the director, co-writer Krzysztof Piesiewicz and music composer Zbigniew Preisner, and forms an interesting counter-point to Blue, which also deals with a young widow coming to term with her husband's demise.